Rwby volume 6 episode 9 kickassanime
Rwby volume 6 episode 9 kickassanime

Her Grace must act swiftly if we are to prevail. Mercury: Then what did you come here for? Tyrian: "What do you want from this?" Children, please, if you're not loving what you're doing, then you're in the wrong field.Įmerald: So, what? Are you saying we should just leave? Tyrian holds him down to the ground by keeping his tail at a short distance away from Mercury's face. Mercury tries to kick at Tyrian, but he dodges and kicks Mercury back. Tyrian: All you ever learned was pain and violence, and now you're too afraid to leave it. Mercury: ( growls as he angrily walk over to Tyrian) How long have you been standing there?! Tyrian: ( mocking) Oh yes, the world is mean, and I'm a big, bad man now just like the others. Tyrian Callows steps out of the shadows with his new metallic scorpion tail. Suddenly, the two hear a certain laughter. You may not like it here without Cinder, but I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be! So I got strong, but I never got it back! I've had to work harder than anyone to get where I am. And when I unlocked my Semblance, he stole it with his! ( throws a punch and a kick at Emerald, who dodges them, while he quotes his father's words) "This is a crutch!" "This makes you weak!" He told me I could have it back when I was strong. Mercury: He never went easy on me! Every day of training was a beating. She takes a defensive stance as he slowly approaches her. Mercury: I'm sorry you didn't have a mommy that loved you, but I had a father who hated me! keep me out of it.Īt this, Emerald angrily jumps forward and starts to attack Mercury with punches and kicks, but he dodges them and catches her wrist. And if you're gonna start having a crisis of identity or some crap. Mercury: Cinder doesn't care about you! She doesn't care about either of us!Įmerald: You don't know what you're talking about! But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing-Įmerald looks at him in shock upon hearing this. ( sighs) Cinder was the only family I ever had. We win this thing for her, we'll be top dogs in her new world. Just felt like it was meant to be.Įmerald: I mean, there has to be something you want from this, right? And then moments after I killed him, you two showed up looking for someone with my exact skills. Mercury: All my life, my father trained me to be a killer, an assassin like him. ( continues training)Įmerald: Why did you come with us, the night Cinder and I found you? Mercury: Yeah, Cinder was a pain, but at least she kept us filled in. In the Land of Darkness at Salem's keep, Emerald Sustrai is sitting on the floor while Mercury Black is training around the room with punches and kicks.Įmerald: I hate being kept in the dark like this. Qrow immediately shoots the idea down, but Ruby wants to hear Jaune out, while also telling Qrow that they do not need his approval about their actions anymore. Jaune, however, voices an idea to steal an Atlas airship to sneak into the Kingdom. While everyone celebrates, Qrow laments that they still are not getting any closer to entering Atlas. Jaune apologizes to Oscar for his earlier actions, and Oscar promises to do what he can to help with the time he has left as himself. They are surprised to find that Oscar is back at the house, wearing a new attire and preparing a casserole for everyone. Team RWBY and Maria Calavera find a passed out Qrow Branwen, and the rest of the group returns. The three then vow to continue on in honor of their friend. After the woman mysteriously disappears, Ren and Nora join Jaune, who has come to terms with Pyrrha's death. He then meets a woman bearing similar physical attributes to Pyrrha, who tells him that she understands why Pyrrha did what she did. Jaune then wanders into a nearby park, where he finds a memorial statue dedicated to Pyrrha Nikos. Saphron leaves to go pick up Adrian from daycare while Ren and Nora go to a nearby cafe to get something, leaving Jaune alone. Tyrian Callows, now with a prosthetic scorpion tail, then arrives, telling the two of them that he and Arthur Watts are heading to Atlas under Salem's command.īack in Argus, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren and Saphron Cotta-Arc search for Oscar Pine. Mercury then upsets Emerald saying that Cinder never cared for either one of them, and he also mentions how his own father stole his Semblance. Emerald Sustrai questions Mercury Black on why he joined Cinder Fall in the first place, with Mercury answering that his upbringing as an assassin made him join.

Rwby volume 6 episode 9 kickassanime